Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Sometimes people get too caught up in the complexities of their daily lives. Wake, work, play with an unhealthy accompaniment of too much food and too little sleep.
Sometimes our focus is lost on a current assignment or short term goal assigned to us by someone who was assigned to complete their tasks by someone who was assigned...etc.
Sometimes the cycle we go through blinds us from truths that are presented to us every day.
Sometimes life is meaningful.

Meaning has been granted to us through our own perception of what we may think is meaningful. We decide what is important, we decide what we want to do for the rest of our lives, we decide who to love, who to hate, who to worship. We decide.
Sometimes we make bad decisions.

Our minds remain closed to some very important remnants of the existence we dwell in. For those looking in, they may see an endless parade of power and wealth stomping over the smooth pavement of economic deception.
Sometimes we are lost.

Sometimes I look around, and see everything laid before me.

A fierce blaze of sunlight pierces the billowed clouds and casts shapes of strange beings through shadows strewn across empty islands of grass within deathly empty parking lots. These parking lots have strict laws that abide any car driving upon it to follow lines that were merely painted on. These cars hold people that walk into the buildings and trade in their colored paper for objects that reflect fashion and status. Drawn back away from the parking lots are paths for the cars to travel upon. These paths lead to bigger paths, where these vehicles are able to reach their destination using less time than ever before. I see the edge of a window, closer than expected my pupils attain focus in order to receive enough light to properly observe the object before me. I follow the edge of the window to see a handle. The handle holds a purpose that is upheld by a mechanism created by another mechanism in perfect order. My eyes shift left as I see my hands clenched tight to a circular object.

A red light high above me wavers in the wind then vanishes, only to be replaced by a green light half a foot lower. The sight fascinates me. I hear strange birds cawing and calling, wishing to be heard by any ears available. These birds get louder and louder, until my deranged focus obeys the world and I begin to hear what is really happening. Horns are blaring, people are shouting their flavorful obscenities towards a being they are unfamiliar with. They feel enraged because of the time I am causing them to lose. Again my eyes catch a shift, the once powerful green light vanishes, to be replaced by a dull yellow.

I wait... and slowly let my weight move the solid pedal down as my car lurches forward unknowing of anything except what it is made to do. The light turns red behind me. I am late for work.

I hope I am not fired.

1 comment:

Rosalind said...

HI!! Isn't it exciting to get a comment???!! ;) well I actually haven't read your post yet, but it looks way better than any of mine, suddenly i dont want you to read my blog anymore. ;) I'll try to catch up. ...i promise il read it later, it looks really goooodd...and i will talk to you later! have a great day!!