Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Maturity- I believe it has become something worth noting when it comes to recognizing the values and strengths of individuals in our society. When someone states that a person is very mature, it most likely will be taken as a compliment. Maturity is synonymous with wisdom, and precocious actions that are founded upon open minded thinking and cautious actions. So yes, when someone calls me mature, I most definitely take it as a compliment. But, I also believe that the word Mature refers to a state of being unreachable by human standards. Nobody is mature; maturity is something to stride towards, but never something to conquer. Everyday I am maturing, and from every day on I will continue to mature, until I die. I believe that the quest for maturity/wisdom/pure thinking cannot be grasped, and if we were to grasp it, I believe that we would just as quickly lose it. As humans, we are stuck in a cycle. But the more that we recognize and understand the patterns within the patterns of life, the more easily we will be able to remain at the top of the cycle, instead of the miserable bottom. Although, it is not in our power to do this alone, God grants us his power and wisdom to overcome the cyclical turmoil we find ourselves in everyday. This has become just some of the beauty that I witness in my own faith.

Immaturity- I thank my brother for enlightening me on this subject! I believe that immaturity grants childlike joy. Without the ability to be as joyous and carefree as our offspring, adults become like machines. Machines that were created to function with emotion and the ability to let that emotion effect their choices, but, they are machines that do not possess the WANT to do something spontaneous, to initiate destruction, to be creative and use that creativity to enjoy themselves within their everyday mechanical routine. These machines lack the ability to laugh at themselves, and to laugh in general. So, what I am saying is that we should be like children. But, there exists a time and place for everything, and it could be said that this is maturity. If I am feeling childish, I do not withhold it. If I am in a place that it would be inappropriate, I filter it and funnel it into something that works for me... Some of my most memorable and enjoyable experiences have been my most childish of moments. Our short lives mustn't be wasted on a focus of maturity.

Holy crap, I just made a fool of myself... Well, this is what I believe when it comes to how people use the term in conversation, not the actual meaning. I just did a little research and found that maturity is acting appropriately in a response to a circumstance or environment. In that sense, all of what I had written above could fit into the entire context of the word of maturity. Wow, some other stuff that runs deep= Once maturity is established, there no longer exists a need to reestablish or rehabilitate that maturity. So among friends, maturity becomes moot. Among strangers, maturity reflects the social judgment of others... but entangles oneself in judging another personality. So, the first two paragraphs I wrote are my uneducated ideas about the topic, you will probably see all of it as unnecessary. Psychology never made itself available to me in High-School, danget. I would love to take it.

1 comment:

Rosalind said...

AHA!!! it's you...I thought maybe, but then i was like WAITTT he has a which one am i supposed to look at, eric?? ...oh and im gonna feel soo stupid if im wrong, but am i right in believing ur livejournal name is visectromansion or something like that?? :)